Guardians of the Galaxy was a surprise hit for Marvel when it came back in 2014. Not just that, it still remains one of the best MCU films ever made with a lot of heart, humor, and badass moments. Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 followed the footsteps of Vol. 1 and once again presented a refined piece of superhero cinema. The franchise has gathered millions of fans and everyone is quite excited for Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3. Although, they all appeared in Avengers: Infinity War and Avengers: Endgame, their portrayal wasn’t as iconic as in their own movies. So, it’s finally time to gear up for a new adventure and this adventure would mark the introduction of one of the strongest Marvel characters there is – Adam Warlock. But at the same time, it will also mark the end of certain beloved characters.
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 Plot Leaks
Now the following plot leaks are a courtesy of r/MarvelStudiosSpoilers and contain the basic plot outlines and happenings of the film. We are usually pretty confident abut the leaks that we bring to you, but we aren’t as sure about this one as it doesn’t come from a reliable sources. However since it got the mods’ approval and certain plot points look legit, we’ve decided to bring them forward. Give it a read and then decide whether you choose to believe them or not.
The events of the movie begin on Oblivion (Knowhere). Adam Warlock is a big kid who only listens to his mom and doesn’t understand who he really is. Adam Warlock’s mom sends him to kill the Guardians. The Guardians manage to escape, but Rocket is badly injured. The Guardians cannot heal him because of his special DNA, so they need to go to the Counter-Earth (a huge ship that looks like a planet inside ) to infiltrate the High Evolutionary’s lab and obtain a cure for Rocket because it was he who created the Rocket, and only he knows how to cure him.
They go there, find the lab and rescue Rocket, but as it happens, Adam Warlock was also following them therefore they fight him again. Meanwhile, the High Evolutionary finds out about the Guardians and wants to get his own Rocket. Adam still tries to kill the Guardians, but now the High Evolutionary’s troops and the High Evolutionary himself are in his way. The High Evolutionary fights Adam Warlock and Adam Warlock is almost defeated but Groot saves Adam Warlock as The Guardians are also fighting High Evolutionary troops as Counter-Earth heads to Knowhere.
Counter-Earth practically collapses on Knowhere, but Cosmo stops it with his powers and allows the Guardians to get everyone off the ship in time. Cosmo and Kraglin basically spend the entire film on Knowhere. The aftermath is that Drax dies in this battle and the High Evolutionary is defeated. As for Peter Quill, he is depressed because his Gamora is dead and the new Gamora doesn’t love him. She doesn’t even know his last name. Gamora now has her own team, but she helps the Guardians on Counter-Earth. Peter is drunk and sad throughout the first act of the movie. He doesn’t even realize that Warlock has arrived and blames himself for what happened to Rocket.
At the end of the film, Peter feels guilty for all that has happened due to his failure to act and leaves the team. Gamora leaves with her new team at the end of the film as this version of her never fell in love with Peter. The film will have flashbacks to Rocket’s childhood, in which he grew up with Layla, and whom he meets again on Counter-Earth. There will also be two other animals in the film. A walrus named Tus, and a rabbit named Flor. Anyways, coming back to the end, we see a new team of Guardians with Rocket as the leader. The team also includes Cosmo, Groot, Layla, Nebula, Mantis, and Adam Warlock.
The very final scene of the film ends with a dance by the entire new team, which is very similar to Peter’s dance from the first part of the “Guardians of the Galaxy”. The new team of Guardians will likely be called the Annihilators. Some additional leaks say that Peter Quill is likely to return in Avengers: Secret Wars. That aside, The Annihilators might possibly the title of the next Guardian movie which is nowhere to be seen in the plans till the end of Phase 6. Also, in the future, there are certain plans for Silver Surfer and other characters to join the team.
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