March 17, 2025 7:17:33 AM
Multiple Kang Variants

The Loki series is arguably the closest thing we’ve gotten which is actually about the current saga of the MCU. Other than that Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania is the only thing that is taking this current saga to its conclusion. All the other movies and shows slated to release honestly, don’t account for anything other than a weak individual narrative. It feels like Marvel is showing us so much that has no connection whatsoever with where they’re taking main story. It puzzles honestly, how ground level superheroes in any way going to help in defeating Kang who is a multiversal overlord. Marvel is just making its universe bigger with no direction whatsoever. Their aim is to beat Endgame’s assemble scene with an even bigger assemble, however, half of these characters in this war would be useless.

Considering all this, I’m rather happy about Loki as the series is well focused on its individual narrative as well as the larger picture. The picture which seems to be missing from most of the MCU. Season 1 debuted Kang in the MCU, we’re going to see the Conqueror in Quantumania, so which version of Kang will we see in Loki season 2? Well, according to rumors many, but there has been one that is being particularly highlighted who is almost confirm to appear.

Which New Kang Variant Will We See in Loki Season 2?

Loki Season 2 Will Have Multiple Kang Variants!

Industry insider Daniel Richtman has dropped some major hints about which Kang variant can we see next in the MCU or more particularly in Loki Season 2? On Patreon, Richtman revealed the description and powers of the next Kang variant that is rumored to appear in the Loki Season 2. He described the variant as, “One variant of Kang in ‘Loki’ Season 2 is an inventor in the past wanting to buy stuff from people to affect the future and Loki is trying to stop him”

As Richtman’s description of the version appears to be awfully similar to Victor Timely, who is a Kang variant from the comics, Patroen asked him whether the new version is him and he responded by saying, “I don’t know [if] it’s him for sure but it is likely him.” For anyone who doesn’t know Victor Timely is a Nathaniel Richards variant also known as Prime Kang. He was defeated by the Avengers and after that he time travels back to 1901 and forms the town of Timely which was later known as Chronopolis.

Chronopolis eventually exists outside of time and serves as a crossroads between the past, present, and future. The MCU seems to be obsessed with Chronopolis for quite some time now after we saw a glimpse of it in Ant-Man and the Wasp. The city will debut in the MCU sooner or later, or at least a version of the city would. Many fans suspect that Loki’s TVA is located within Chronopolis and that Kang’s ringed fortress in the Ant-Man 3 trailers may also be the Marvel Comics city.

If this indeed turns out to be true then, the question to ponder is what is this new variant of Kang looking to buy? Thanks to the leaked set photos we already know that Mobius and Loki would be visiting the 1970s and Sylvie is also stuck in the same period. This coincidentally happens to be the same time around when Iron Man and Captain America went for taking Pym particles in Endgame. Is Victor Timely looking to buy them? This would connect the events of Quantuamania and Loki Season 2 to whole new level. This also opens up the possibility of having a Loki related post credit scene in the film.

Loki Season 2 is slated on release on Disney+ in mid-2023. Season 1 is available for streaming.

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