March 18, 2025
Marvel's Illuminati: Fan Poster Shows Tom Cruise, John Krasinksi and Patrick Stewart

After years of speculations and fan demands, a live action crossover between Avengers and X-Men is finally happening. We heard many rumors about Professor X appearing in Doctor Strange 2 and this trailer confirms that. Strange is seen in bounds being taken to some futuristic place where we hear Sir Patrick Stewart’s voice as Professor X. Obviously, this led to a blast on the internet with fans yelling “its finally happening!”

All this led to quite a lot of speculations and debates on the internet and fans are now convinced that Illuminati will surely happen. It was also reported that Superior  Iron Man will be in the film and fans believe he’ll be played by Tom Cruise. Similarly, Reed Richards is rumored to appear in the film and John Krasinski (The Office, A Quiet Place). Also, members of the Illuminati are the Inhumans’ leader Blackbolt, Black Panther, and Doctor Strange. Adhering to all these rumors @agtdesign came up with an amazing poster that follows below. Check it out!

It looks stunning doesn’t it? Our only wish is that it comes to life real soon but that isn’t happening as of now. We can expect a Marvel’s Illuminati film in MCU’s upcoming projects but it’s most likely going to be in Phase 5. Till then, we are free to theorize anything we want, so ahead and leave your thoughts in the comments below.

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