March 18, 2025 11:48:24 AM

We’re all aware of what Marvel is. It is one of the biggest movie studios, if not the biggest. The simple idea of assembling all the heroes in one universe rather than solo movies. MCU enjoyed a golden run from 2012 to 2019. Where it seemed like they can do no wrong. Every decision they’d taken was turning out to be a masterstroke. Be it finally cracking a deal with Sony for Spider-Man, representing the African culture through Black Panther. Marvel was enjoying so much success that they forced at least three other studios to create a cinematic universe of their own. Which failed miserably of course. The slow nerve racking build-up Marvel teased fans for over 11 years finally paid off in 2019’s Avengers: Endgame. Even after Endgame, Spider-Man: Far From Home summed up Phase 3 with a bang as it cruised past $1 Billion.

However, the one pet peeve a lot of people had with Marvel was the lack of representation. It sets a bad precedent if the world’s biggest movies refuse from accepting everyone. Though not for long. As Far From Home marked the end of Phase 3 and culminated the Infinity Saga. Phase 4 promised us a new Marvel. A Marvel that more sensitive and responsible. However as we’ve neared the end of Phase 4 and at the cusp of Phase 5 did the new Marvel succeed? Objectively looking at the matter, Phase 4 is one of the weakest Marvel phases. It feels as though MCU has lost its magic. Now many people have different theories about this matter. Some say expanding to TV shows caused a rift and continuity gap. Some say the new characters have not been developed well for non-comic book readers. Some just want Iron Man to return.

Granted each one of these theories have some merit, the one thing I always here when a new Marvel movie is out is a conversation about Marvel is making politically correct films or rather “Woke Films”. This is the main reason of their recent downfall. So is this theory actually true? Should Marvel return to being orthodox?

Examples of Wokeism in the MCU?

Phase 4 began with Black Widow, a prequel to Scarlet Johnson’s Black Widow. The film was set between Civil War and Infinity War. The film was supposed be a homage to her as she didn’t get much in Endgame. However, the film suffered from bad reviews, weak screenplay and terrible VFX. Check out review here. The next to follow was Shang Chi: The Legend of Ten Rings which starred an Asian actor as their lead and the entire film had predominantly Asian actors.

This was a first from Marvel, before this film only Black Panther did such a thing. Shang Chi was lauded by critics as they said it brought a breath of fresh air to the MCU. The next to follow was the Chloe Zao directed Eternals that had multi-star cast. The film starred actors from various racial backgrounds and even featured an openly gay couple that shared MCU’s first on-screen kiss. The film was slaughtered by critics and not particularly loved by fans.

Spider-Man: No Way Home took the torch ahead. This is the most successful Phase 4 yet. It did great with critics and on the box office. However, those who could see past the veil of nostalgia and fan service, the film suffered from a weak screenplay. Next to come was Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness was up next, the film did decent with critics and was impressive with box office numbers. The film featured the first Latino superhero who was openly wearing the LGBTQIA+ emblem. Her parents were shown in an open homosexual relationship.

Finally it is the most recent addition to the lot, Thor: Love and Thunder. Check out our review here. The film once again suffered by being a mixed bag where it didn’t know where exactly to land. The film reveals Valkyrie’s sexual orientation and informs us of her past girlfriend. We even realize Korg belongs to a planet where they make babies with the same sex. The film was pretty open about such things.

Does Wokeism lead to weak scripts?

The fact of the matter is, there is no proof that the MCU has lost its touch simply because they’ve gotten politically correct. The first film of Phase 4 – Black Widow fared miserably even though it seemingly had no element of what people consider to be woke. Where as a film like Shang Chi that promotes inclusion and representation had been appreciated by fans as well critics. Now if we take a look at the other entries, I’d be ignoring Spider-Man: No Way Home as that film heavily banked on Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield.

Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness had a lot of expectations however the film came as a fairly simple movie. It felt more like Wanda’s film than Strange’s. However whatever the problems lied in the film failing to give us or baffle us with some true multiversal shenanigans. Nowhere did anyone feel this happened because of America Chavez’s parents being a lesbian couple or she being a Latina. Even if you swap their sexual identities and races, the plot doesn’t change even remotely.

This is the entire point. It doesn’t affect the plot but it cements the idea of normality in people’s minds when a Marvel movie shows them in a positive light. Its accepting that different people exists but they too are part of this world. Apply the same to Thor: Love & Thunder, Valkyrie could’ve lamented the loss of a male partner and Korg could’ve copulated with a female. The plot doesn’t change but that is never the point. These films are not gritty social dramas, that slap society by showing their hypocrisy.

It is simply establishing a sense of normalcy in people’s minds. Love & Thunder suffers from the director’s attempt to try and make everything funny. It focuses on the villains far less and wastes ample time in futile exploits. This is why the film is unsatisfactory. Eternals suffered from the ambition and the thematic heft of Chloe Zao’s thoughts in a MCU that wasn’t equipped to bear it. Too many characters too little time to explore them.

It wasn’t because Phastos is a gay man and it wasn’t because there was a homosexual kiss. That image would feel jarring to anyone at first who hasn’t been exposed to such things. But more exposure through mainstream movies that is perception is going to change. All together, it has just been a weird time for Marvel. Unlike their first 3 phases they haven’t been able to move in a single destination where everything connects. It seems like they’re floundering for a while, until they find their next big saga these misfires would be a common affair.

It is not the wokeism that has lead to Marvel’s downfall rather their ability to recognize what fans want. Their creative calls are in a slump or it might just be the classic case where something has passed its peak and to reach the same high again is a big task. If anything I’m sorry that all these characters weren’t part of better films so that they’ve been part a better history. Hopefully the upcoming Marvel movies would do justice to the fans and these characters.

What are your thoughts on this? Do you agree with me? What do you think is the biggest problem with Marvel’s phase 4?

Marvel’s latest film – Thor: Love and Thunder is currently playing in theatres.

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