March 17, 2025 8:46:23 AM
She Hulk Episode 4 Review – It Gets It All Wong Again!

Marvel Phase 4 has introduced us with yet another new superhero with her own show called She-Hulk: Attorney At Law. The show focuses on Hulk’s cousin She-Hulk (alter ego Jennifer Walters) played by Tatiana Maslany who works for a Law Firm that handles superhero cases. It will have a total of 9 episodes presenting a sitcom styled approach and episode lengths. She-Hulk just debuted its second episode a week ago and here is our verdict about She Hulk Episode 4. WARNING – Major Spoilers for the Episode Follow Below.

Review Marathon – Episode 1 / Episode 2 / Episode 3

Rating – ★★1/2

She Hulk Episode 4 Review – Still No Good, But Fun

Well at this point I have lost all hopes about this show as it just fails to improve upon anything I mentioned in previous episode reviews. The CGI is still horrible and the show is still directionless. She Hulk is now without any doubt the worst MCU Disney Plus show to date and I’d go so far as to say that even Marvel’s Iron Fist was better than this. The show has made a joke of itself and just like rest of the episodes, it didn’t make me even giggle once. Its just seems like the target audience of this show is toddlers up to 8-10 years of age and it just fails to incite any kind of emotion among viewers.

Once again, Tatiana Maslany does the best in whatever script she was offered but once again, the show is simply a joke. All that said, Wong aka the new full time joker of MCU did have a few moments to shine in this episode. I liked the sorcery and magic choreography in this episode and well as the CGI of the demons. Well it wasn’t great but in front of the pathetic She-Hulk CGI, the demons felt very realistic. One thing that made me giggle a little were the dynamics between Wong and Madisyn and how she spoiled The Sopranos for him. Well, it is almost ironical how the shows Wong was watching (The Sopranos and This Is Us) are some of the best in the business.

The Storylines Lack Motivation

Episode 4 had two major storylines, one about Donny Blaze and Wong and the another subplot revolving around Jen’s dating life. Both of them lacked motivation, although the Wong one proved to be a bit fun towards the end. She-Hulk and Wong fighting the demons was the highlight of this episode but again, it felt a bit half hearted. As for Donny Blaze, he was as unwanted and unimpressive a character for us as he was for the audience in the world of MCU. Similarly, Madisyn was another goofy character who left no impact whatsoever.

Moving on the the dating subplot, it was just poorly written and highly unrealistic. First of all, I really can’t wrap my head around the fact that a lawyer as successful, famous and good looking as Jen failed to get matches on whatever platform she used. Secondly, this entire subplot just felt like an excuse to re-establish that “men are dogs”. But even if we keep that aside, it all just seemed really cliche, forced and unimpressive.

Final Verdict – She Hulk Episode 4 was the weakest episode in the show so far and that tells you a thing or two about how bad it actually was. The show suffers from a weak script, lack of vision, horrendous CGI and what seems like a vow to not improve upon MCU’s faults.

If you have any questions regarding She-Hulk: Attorney at Law, feel free to ask in the comments below. For more content, stay tuned. As usual, like, subscribe and share our articles as we here are trying to build a community of people High on Cinema!

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