Carol Denvers is all set to return in The Marvels (Captain Marvel 2) alongside Kamala Khan, and Monica Rambeau. The Marvels is all set to release tomorrow and will showcase the further adventures of the Captain Marvel family. While MCU struggles to bring back the fans who have lost interest in the past 2 years, it seems like they are heavily building up towards the future. Therefore, The Marvels has not one but two major hints towards the future of MCU and one of them comes not via the post credits scenes, but the ending itself. Therefore, read on only if you don’t want to get spoiled as MAJOR SPOILERS follow below.
Watch The Marvels Leaked Ending Here – Kamala Recruits Kate Bishop
While the scene we are talking about was earlier reported to be a post-credit scene, it now is reportedly the ending of the film. While the mid-credit scene directly brings back a fan-favorite X-Men character to the MCU (check here), the ending of the film hints towards the formulation of a new Marvel team. That’s right! So, check out the full scene alongside the description below!
At the end of the film, back on Earth, Kamala and the entire Khan family helps Carol move into Maria’s home in Louisiana. Carol and Kamala enter the cockpit of Maria’s plane and talk about how they miss Monica but are sure that Monica will going to return to them in the future. Kamala says that she is looking forward to Monica’s return because she thinks that they work well together and this gives Kamala an idea as the scene shifts to New York. Kate Bishop, whom we met in the ‘Hawkeye’ series, returns to her safehouse after a night of vigilante work to find that Kamala is waiting for her in the dark.
Hailee Steinfeld is seen in her full Hawkeye suit in this scene. Trying to imitate Nick Fury, Kamala tells Kate that she isn’t the only young hero in the world before telling her that she needs Kate’s help to form a team. Kamala even mentions that Ant-Man has a daughter, “Did you know Ant-Man had a daughter?”. It is clear that she used intel from S.A.B.E.R. to learn all about the young heroes whom the government had been monitoring. Kate asks her what she wants and Kamala replies, “I am putting together a team. Are you on board? Please?” to which Kate smirks and the scene cuts to credits.
This scene obviously teases the eventual formation of the Young Avengers and it seems Kamala, and Kate Bishop are already of board. Aside, from this name-dropping Cassie Lang makes us believe that Cassie will be brought on board as well as Ant-Girl/Stinger. Aside from them, Riri Williams (Ironheart) and Shuri (Black Panther) were also set up by Black Panther: Wakanda Forever, and Hulk’s Son Skaar was set up by She-Hulk. Also, Thor’s adopted daughter Love from Thor: Love and Thunder could give the team Godly support, although she is quite young. Add to the mix, America Chavez and we already have a team with 8 members. The question is, are you excited enough about these characters?
The Marvels is set to release in theaters on July 28, 2023.