September 20, 2024

The Marvel Cinematic Universe completed its Infinity Saga in 2019. The 23 movies that Marvel made in the 11 years of the Infinity Saga were focused on the characters that Marvel had the rights to. In the early 90s, Marvel was going bankrupt so they started to sell the rights to their characters to different studios in order to survive. They sold the X-Men rights to Fox Studios, Hulk rights to Universal Pictures and Spiderman rights to Sony Pictures. While Marvel was able to strike a deal with Sony and Universal, they weren’t able to do the same with Fox. Marvel got Spiderman in the MCU as long as Sony gets to distributes his solo films and they get all the profits but he can appear other crossover films that Marvel distributes. Marvel had almost the same deal with Universal Pictures but they didn’t make a solo Hulk movie since 2009 and Hulk simply appeared in team-up films.

However, after Disney acquired Fox, Marvel got all their characters back. So now that Marvel was starting a new saga it made sense for all these characters to appear in the upcoming movies but until now we haven’t seen any of these characters in Phase 4. However, we have gotten little bit of teases here and there and mutant name has been tossed around a few times. We know that two mutants are definitely making their debut in the MCU with 2024’s Deadpool 3 starring Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman (Wolverine). Both will officially reprise their X-Men roles in the MCU. Although, it seems like there is another actor who wants to reprise his role of a mutant in the MCU.

X Men: The Beast Will Be Back?

When the X-Men franchise began 2000s there were many break out stars from namely Hugh Jackman’s Wolverine, Patrick Stewart’s Professor X but another fan favorite was Kesley Grammer’s Beast who had considerable depth to him that the fans appreciated. Grammer played the character for years until he replaced by a younger version of Beast as the franchise had a soft reboot because the introduced the element of time travel and made all the characters younger in order to clean the narrative.

However, now that there is another chance with the MCU taking over X-Men, Grammer has expressed his strong desire to return as Beast. The actor said, “If they don’t ask me to return to the role of Beast, I’ll never go to Disneyland again. I’d love for them to do that. I want to do that.” Last year, Grammer responded Nicholas Hoult being cast as Beast for X-Men: First Class in 2011. The actor said, “I’d love to do Beast again. Nobody’s really talked to me about it. I think maybe they’re gonna try to do another one. I’m assuming that they would go with, you know, the first is the best.”

The actor expressed a lot of fury of being replaced in a 2016 interview with IGN, “I guess my ego was kind of hurt that they just decided to go back in time all of a sudden and Kelsey Grammer wasn’t Beast anymore. It pissed me off.” In the same interview, he further added, “I did have a chance to talk to Bryan [Singer] when I heard that there was this cameo back in the time that I had been on – you know, X-Men 3 – so I was delighted that he said, ‘Yeah, what the hell’. I had to fly on a secret plane and stuff like that – it was almost like being in X-Men. I would love to do another one. That character’s great.”

Whether Marvel will listen to Grammar or not has to be seen. What do you think should Grammar be cast as beast or should it be someone new? MCU’s newest film- Black Panther: Wakanda Forever is playing in theatres near you.

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