February 23, 2025 2:25:53 PM
The Mandalorian Season 3 Episode 2 Review – The Mythosaur Awakens

Disney Plus and Star War’s flagship show The Mandalorian is back with its highly anticipated season 3. Although the first episode kind of failed to replicate the magic of first two seasons, we are all pretty optimistic about what awaits us in the rest of the season. Thankfully Episode 2 is a solid return to form which takes you back to the glory days of The Mandalorian. In fact a lot happens in this episode story, world-building, as well as character wise. Read on to catch our in-depth review of The Mandalorian Season 3 Episode 2 below but beware that some MAJOR SPOILERS follow below!

The Mandalorian Season 3 Episode 2 Review – Bo-Katan Steals The Show!

Rating – ★★★★1/2

Although the show is led by Pedro Pascal’s Din Djarin, in this episode he is completely overshadowed by Bo-Katan. The episode begins with the return of the fan favorite mechanic Peli who lets Mando borrow R5 for his expedition to Mandalore. Obviously, the expedition goes wrong as Din is captured by a weird semi-robotic being and as a result we see Grogu rush to seek help from Bo-Katan. Grogu aka Baby Yoda got some incredible moments to shine as he safely made his way to Bo-Katan showing that he is not only getting good with the force, but is also getting a whole lot smarter. He pays attention to what Din tells him at the start of the expedition and because of that he is able to get Bo-Katan to rescue him.

As mentioned above, Bo-Katan completely steals the show as she saves Din not once, but twice in this episode. Unlike Din, somehow she was able to wield the Darksaber without any difficulties and makes a quick work of the enemies. That aside, she guides the viewers about the history of Mandalore as well as her ancestors and the Mythosaur, making her dialogues equally worthy of attention. Talking about Mythosaur, yes, that was exactly the creature who we were given a glimpse of towards the end. The mighty beast is alive and well, and is awakened the moment Din steps into the waters beneath the mines. What are your thoughts on Din Djarin riding or slaying the Mythosaur??!! (Let us know below).

Anyways, one of the major objectives of The Mandalorian Season 3 has already been fulfilled aka the redemption of Din Djarin. Having successfully bathed at the mines, he is now redeemed and will be accepted back in the Creed. However, now there are bigger issues at play as Bo and Din now know that Mandalore is capable of restoring life and also, the Mythosaur has been awakened. The show has now increased tremendously in scale and might no longer be about a lone gunslinger and his pet on weird adventures. In fact, it feels like the first two seasons were pure world building and from this season, the wider narrative will start taking shape. Obviously, Mando and Grogu will be the protagonists but Bo-Katan, Ahsoka Tano and a few others might also take prominence in this saga.

Staying on the subject though, this episode boasted off some incredible VFX and top-notch production design. I was completely blown away by the sets and the visuals of the Mines of Mandalore, which is one hell of an upgrade from the poor quality of Episode 1. Moving on, the action in this episode was beautifully choreographed and well executed making Bo-Katan sequences even more engaging. The score as usual was well crafted and the editing was flawless as well. So, the episode checked all technical aspects with an engaging narrative and great direction, it is one of the strongest episodes of the series.

Final Verdict – The Mandalorian Season 3 Episode 2 not only reassures fans that this show’s still got it, but also places itself among the best of Star Wars. Alongside having a great pacing, writing, and direction, it rocks your world with its technical brilliance as well as hypes you up for what’s to come!

The first two seasons and the first 2 episodes of Season 3 of The Mandalorian are now streaming on Disney Plus. Season 3 episode 3 will air on 15th March at 12:00 AM PT.

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