February 24, 2025 9:05:19 PM
The Mandalorian Season 3 Release Date, Writers and Trailer Revealed at CCXP, Brazil

First off, if you want to know all about The Mandalorian Season 3, we tried to answer every question you might have in your mind regarding it, in this previous must read article. If you are here just for the latest news and updates regarding CCXP, then read on. Din Djarin and his adorable side kick Grogu are all set to return for a new adventure after being reunited in The Book of Boba Fett which was basically The Mandalorian Season 2.5. I am asking you once again to watch TBOBF as you’ll miss out on a lot when Season 3 arrives. Anyways, now that Star Wars has upped its game with a mind-blowing Andor Season 1, all eyes are now fixated upon Mando Season 3. So, here’s when it comes out and the people involved in it.

Mando Season 3 Release Date and Writers

As you may be aware, Jon Favreau took the stage as part of the Star Wars panel at the CCXP event in Brazil. At the comic con a footage for season 3 was shown, writers were revealed and most importantly, the release date for the season was announced. So, The Mandalorian Season 3 is all set to hit Disney Plus on 1st March 2023, as opposed to previously announced February 2023 slate. Anyways, we’d rather have a fixed date than a slate which is much more subjected to change. So, that leaves fans with 3 months to prepare for the next awe-inspiring Star Wars adventure.

As for the writers of Season 3, Jon Favreau has written 5 episodes of the series and co-written the other 3 episodes. Season 3’s Episode 4 and Episode 7 have been co-written by Favreau and Dave Filoni, whereas Episode 3 has been co-written by Noah Kloor and Favreau. So, much like the first two seasons, the writing team is pretty strong and that makes us believe that we are in for another great season. As for the directors, Favreau has confirmed that many directors from previous seasons have returned to direct the season, so we expect episodes directed by  Taika Waititi, Bryce Dallas Howard, Robert Rodriguez.

An episode by Bryce Dallas Howard was confirmed a few months ago. Bryce Dallas Howard previously directed the episodes “Chapter 4: Sanctuary” in the first season of the show and Chapter 11: “The Heiress” in the second season. She also directed one of the key episodes of last year’s Star Wars miniseries, The Book of Boba Fett, the episode that ties both Boba Fett and Mandalorian called “Return of the Mandalorian”. Therefore, fans are always excited about episodes she directs as she never disappoints and her episodes are usually one of the finest of the season.

Mandalorian Season 3 Brazil CCXP Trailer Description

Moving on to what you’ve been waiting for – the new trailer description from the event. It begins with Grogu and Mando (Pedro Pascal) hearing that he is no longer a Mandalorian, as he has taken off his helmet. So he decides to go with the Child to Mandalore, to regain his honor. Meanwhile, Bo-Katan appears on a throne. She looks annoyed as she thinks about getting the Darksaber. Some scenes confirm the returns of Carl Weathers as Greef Karga and Amy Sedaris as Peli Motto. There’s a scene with a planet that looks like Coruscant, and the preview features several action sequences, including a never-before-seen one featuring Mando running away from TIE Fighters.

There is a scene with a scrapped Star Destroyer and the preview ends with Grogu using the Force against a monster, which was the most applauded moment of the preview. The trailer also provides a quick glimpse of Coruscant, monkey lizards, and teases several Mandolorians working together. Grogu also is going to keep exploring the Force, as he’s shown pushing a figure out of a cave. Also, it is being rumored that Boba Fett also made an appearance in the trailer however, we do not have an official source for the information.

That is pretty much all for today, and we’ll see you soon as we can smell a full length trailer for Season 3 in the air now.

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