March 18, 2025 4:53:05 PM
The Boys Gen V Reviews Roundup - A Worthy Spin-Off

The Boys is one of the absolute best things on TV right now and its season 3 was arguably the best Superhero production of 2022. In an increasingly mediocre superhero projects dominated world, The Boys has managed to give birth to a whole new sub-genre of TV. Its tense, gory, kinky, and weird approach is something to behold and it somehow manages to cringe viewers while blow their minds at the same time. So, while we wait for The Boys Season 4, a spinoff called The Boys: Gen V has just debuted its first 3 episodes with 5 more episodes yet to come, one every following week. But how does it compare to OG – The Boys? Let us find out!

The Boys: Gen V Gets Positive Reviews From Critics

The Boys: Gen V Release Date Announced With New Poster at SDC 2023

After a jaw dropping Season 3, the finale of The Boys turned out to be rather disappointing yet left everyone rooting for more. While Season 4 of The Boys will not debut at least till late 2024 due to the WGA strikes, Prime has brought fans an equally good spin-off. That’s right The Boys: Gen V is getting praises all around for being a worthy spin-off that doesn’t just keep the best elements of the OG but also adds a lot of compassion, comedy, and teenage drama. Don’t believe us? With a Rotten Tomatoes score of 96% from 46 reviews, see for yourself what the critics have to say about it! (Kaiya Shunyata) – “Gen V” is a fun and biting coming-of-age drama—it just happens to be full of superheroes.

Inverse (Dais Johnston) – The Boys universe goes teen drama for a tonal mishmash that’s still a delight.

Empire Magazine (David Opie) – Gen V won’t entice new sign-ups, but it’s still strong enough to entertain fans who are desperately waiting for a new season of The Boys to crash into their lives. Rating – 3/5

IGN Movies (Matt Donato) – Gen V exists at the crossroads of contemporary teen sex comedies, ruthless The Boys tomfoolery, and ambitious shock-and-awe excellence that fans deserve. Rating – 9/10

New York Post (Michael Starr) – It frequently falls into a sophomoric rut (sexual situations run rampant) but, when all is said a done, manages to extricate itself before it collapses into the abyss of noisy mediocrity.

indieWire (Ben Travers) – “Gen V” is lively and gruesome, cheeky and clever. Rating – B Minus

Entertainment Weekly (Christian Holub) – At a certain point you have to respect the commitment to the bit, but it’s important to remember you can make cutting commentary about corporate pop culture while still having some fun. Rating – B Minus

The Hollywood Reporter (Dan Fienberg) – If the series becomes frustratingly rushed as it progresses, within that rush and those choppy narrative choices, I kept finding enough moments of giddy inspiration to be entertained and sometimes more than that.

Variety (Alison Herman) – “Gen V” retains the edge, cynicism and (aptly) adolescent humor that make its parent show tick, suggesting “The Boys” is far from the creative fatigue now plaguing juggernauts like the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

This is a pretty good verdict from the first three episodes of the series and it is expected to go only up and above from here. So, if you were planning to watch The Boys: Gen V, you should definitely check it out as it seems like you won’t be disappointed. We’ll shortly be coming up with our verdict for the series as well.

The first 3 episodes of The Boys: Gen V are now streaming on Amazon PrimeVideo and Episode 4 is all set to debut on October 6.

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