The Umbrella Academy Season 3 Trailer Introduces Viktor Hargreeves and Sparrow Academy

So, another big Netflix show coming out with a new season this year was The Umbrella Academy and if the past is any indication, things are about to get crazier. The 2nd Season of the show ended on a note that both shocked and excited the audiences for the next season. And well, folks the next season is out on. Season 3 does introduce quite a new factors and adds elements to the already weird and eerie world. It continues somethings from the 2nd Season but also starts something new. Although, Season 3 was a lot weaker than its previous installments it did leave us with a lot of questions, truly in The Umbrella Academy fashion. Before that checkout our review of Season 3. You know what I mean if you’ve completed it. Although, there is one thing many of you might’ve missed, as soon as the credits start rolling you must’ve switched off your devices.

Well, there is a mid-credit scene to in the final episode and it may give us a hint at what Season 4 might entail. Of course Season 4 is officially unannounced as of yet but seeing how things wrapped in Season 3 it is pretty clear there is more to the story. Netflix will green lit the 4th Season after seeing the response to the 3rd. Till then we can try to figure out what that scene meant and does it mean more than it appears at first? Well, let’s find out.

What is Ben doing in the Mid Credit Scene?

The mid credit shows us Ben in a train in Korea, not doing anything, minding his business while he reads a book. Now, is this a shot from the future where the Ben we met in the 3rd Season has finally gotten over his attitude. Well, I hate to burst your bubble but not quite. This in fact is not that Ben. This is our original Ben that we saw in Season 1 & 2. Yes, the same one who died, who walked into the light and never came back. How is that possible you might ask? Well, it has definitely got to do something with the Universe resetting itself.

The train he is boarding is the same train we saw at the start of the season, where Ben’s biological mother and father share a kiss before she starts feeling something twisting inside of her and in the next 20 seconds she gives birth to Ben on this exact train. Well, this is to show that what Ben’s life would’ve been like if he hadn’t been adopted by Reginald Hargreeves. How he might’ve not died in the bank robbery and would’ve led a relatively normal life. In this universe, no one killed the mother’s of our superheroes, so no paradox but does that mean Five’s doppelganger theory is now active?

The Umbrella Academy So There’s Two of Everyone? 

Early on in the 3th season, Five explains how the gang must ignore their doppelgangers if they ever cross paths with them, otherwise they may experience paranoia. Well, this piece of information wasn’t useful in this season as the Umbrella siblings weren’t supposed to be born here, because of Harlan killing them. Although, as suggested in this new world, if there is the original Ben that means there are doppelgangers of the other siblings as well wandering around the world. So, does this mean everyone will have a double role in the next season? I don’t know because it looks like that. For five it would be interesting as his doppelganger would be a grown up version of him.

So we’ll see another version of Five. There are deliberate visual cues for us to theorize these things. The same train being one and the other is Ben’s appearance. Sparrow Ben wears his hair spiked up, whereas Umbrella Ben has slicked-back hair, like the man on the train. There are few questions that arise as well, does this mean the Sparrow Academy is alive in this universe? I mean except for their Ben and Sloane everyone dies. But with the same logic explained above, it is possible they’re alive as well. Also, where is Sloane? As soon as everyone steps into the universe Sloane disappears for good.

I’d also like to know what exactly was the deal Allison made with Reginald in this season? And most importantly who is Reginald’s wife that appears to be at the end of the season and why does he look like a Super Villain more than ever. This did guide us in this direction of him being the villain but the final shot of him in the new universe, makes him look like the Lex Luthor of the town. While all these questions that I’m coming up with aren’t answered in this season, I can only expect them to answered in the next season. I can’t wait for the 4th Season to be here and clear the air.

The Umbrella Academy is currently streaming on Netflix.

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