The God of Mischief was revitalized after Endgame’s failed time heist. Loki’s journey in...
MCU Halloween Special
The Marvels is the fourth most expensive MCU movie ever. The film is reported...
Marvel’s Echo is an upcoming Marvel show which will focus on Echo aka Maya...
The Marvels is Marvel’s last release of the year. The film has had its...
Werewolf By Night is an hour long TV Halloween Special from Marvel that released...
Avengers: Endgame was a cinematic achievement. I haven’t seen a global event as big...
Given the superhero fatigue along with Marvel’s arrogance to not accept what horrible content...
Deadpool 3 is probably the only Marvel movie that fans are truly excited about....
With James Gunn’s exit from the MCU, the fate of the Guardians of the...
Ever since Warner Bros. has pushed back Dune: Part Two to next year, courtesy...