Thor: Love and Thunder which released recently has garnered mixed reception from both critics...
Taika Waititi
Thor: Love and Thunder is newest Marvel film and the second Marvel film of...
This article contains major spoilers for Thor: Love and Thunder, please proceed with caution....
Thor: Love and Thunder has now release world wide a few hours ago and...
Filmmaker Taika Waititi is currently set to write and direct an upcoming Star Wars...
Thor: Love and Thunder is directed by Taika Waititi and stars Chris Hemsworth, Tessa...
Thor: Love and Thunder is the new Marvel film releasing this year and the 2nd...
Now that Obi-Wan Kenobi is over, you’re undoubtedly looking forward to all the upcoming...
Thor: Love and Thunder social media embargo officially lifted last week and the first...
From 2011, Chris Hemsworth has been playing Thor. With a solo movie trilogy to...