If only all the episodes were this quality, this series could have been good. The widely anticipated Disney Plus Star Wars show Obi-Wan Kenobi turned out to be a major disappointment full of below average and outright bad episodes. But finally, in Episode 5 we saw some form of redemption for the series and Obi-Wan Kenobi Episode 6 continues the trend. For episode 1 and 2 review click here, for episode 3 click here, for episode 4 click here and for the penultimate episode, check out this link. Now that you are all caught up let us move on to the finale.
WARNING: The following article contains mild spoilers to the plot.
Episode 6 Rating – ★★★★
Obi-Wan Kenobi Finale – Why Didn’t They Do This Since the Start?
Unfortunately, the redemption came too late and I’ve come to a realization that if this was a movie, it could have been a lot better. It simply didn’t have enough content for 6 episodes, hence we saw all that filler and absolutely trash content in first 4 episodes. Thankfully the ending didn’t disappoint that much and the finale was nearly amazing with a few flaws here and there. Well, who am I kidding, there were many flaws, yet it turned out to be a great episode. The action sequences were excellent, the nostalgia was brought back, and McGregor got everything right!
Ewan McGregor has been quite consistent with everything he did throughout the series. He has performed brilliantly and literally carried this underwhelming show on his back since the beginning. In this episode, we were reunited with the General Kenobi we all loved and grew up with. From his stance and charm, to his strength and technique, the finale got everything right. Three most incredible moments in the finale were:
- Darth Vader’s Broken Helmet during fight with Obi-Wan which made Kenobi realize that his Padwan and friend Anakin is truly gone. This scene has too much resemblance with what happened between Ahsoka and Darth Vader in Clone Wars. Also the transition between Hayden Christensen’s voice and James Earl Jones’ voice was a spectacle to behold!
- The entire final showdown between Kenobi and Vader which was packed with incredible action and VFX, as well as Gneral Kenobi stance.
- Obi-Wan bids farewell to Leia and introduces himself to Luke with his classic “Hello There” quote, which he used when he met Luke in A New Hope.
That aside, Liam Neeson’s Qui-Gon Jinn also made an appearance in the final moments as Kenobi was finally able to reconnect with him. Now let us move towards what I did not like.
Let me start by saying that the writing was still pretty inconsistent, lazy and illogical. There was moment where Obi-Wan splits from the other refugees to divert Vader’s attention and what did Vader do? Abandon following the main vessel and entirely concentrate on Kenobi. I mean he could have sent at least a few ships after the escape pod, no? And ultimately he went on to battle Kenobi alone! So, what was the point of drifting the entire Star Destroyer towards him, when you had to go after him alone? Also, once Vader was defeated he could have again tracked down the escape pod, but he literally didn’t bother at all with it.
That aside, I didn’t quite like the entire fight and chase sequence between Reva, Owen and Luke. It seemed like filler content but what I liked was the fact that ended in a character arc culmination for Reva. Although, pretty much all of us knew it was going to end this way but it was still cool to see Ingram finally deliver a good performance. The VFX, sound design, and production design were absolutely brilliant and the cinematography was excellent as well. The color grading at times, though, felt a bit over-saturated but still the scale of this series felt excellent throughout. However, it lacked the plot, script, direction, and high stakes to match the technical scale of the series.
As for the ending, it is pretty much easy to understand. Luke will go on to live with his uncle Owen and meet Obi-Wan as Uncle Ben from time to time, until he finally goes on his own journey in A New Hope. Leia will be raised by the Organa’s and will lead slowly rise among the ranks of the resistance, while being in a continuous touch with Obi-Wan. As for Obi-Wan himself, he will go on with his own journey guided by his master Qui-Gon, who he was reunited with in the finale. Darth Vader and the Emperor will continue to spread fear by expanding and strengthening the Empire. Reva might go on a journey of redemption and self discovery, and slowly move towards the bright side. Rest, we’ll have to wait and see in Obi-Wan Kenobi season 2 which is already in works.
Final Verdict – Obi-Wan Kenobi Finale makes up for an incredible watch but the series as a whole suffers from poor writing, inconsistency and a severe lack of vision.
Final Rating – ★★★
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