February 21, 2025 7:15:35 PM
Star Wars: Lando Series is Still in Works, Confirms Kathleen Kennedy

After the box office disappointment of Solo: A Star Wars Story, Disney tried to re-tool some movies based on iconic Star Wars characters from the original trilogy as limited event series. The streamer’s latest Star Wars outing, Obi-Wan Kenobi falls in the same category, which is first conceived as a standalone film like Solo and Rogue One, now turned into a Disney+ miniseries. Obi-Wan Kenobi isn’t the only such series in works as there’s another one and let’s call it Star Wars: Lando.

Star Wars: Lando Is Happening

A young Lando series, portrayed by Donald Glover, who first appeared in the role in Solo, is in development for a while. The project was first announced as an event series back in December 2020 to Disney investors. But no news is heard about the project since then.

Lucasfilm President, Kathleen Kennedy commented recently at the Star Wars celebration 2022, that Lando series is very much alive, though proceeding slowly due to the busy commitments of the lead actor Donald Glover. About the project, Kennedy said the following:

“You need to ask Donald. He’s the one that holds all the cards here. But there’s no movement. I will say that honestly. But it’s not for lack of trying. It’s just that he’s a very busy guy. … He’s got another series, and I think one other thing, and then he’ll come our way. So patiently waiting.”

Kennedy also confirmed at the event that Glover is the only exception to the statement she made previously that Lucasfilm is currently not looking into recasting Star Wars characters from the original trilogy with young actors after the failure of Solo.

“We’re still talking about Lando with Donald Glover, for instance, but I don’t think we would intentionally just look back at some of the characters like Luke and Leia and whatnot and decide arbitrarily to do a story,”

Looks like fans have to wait a bit longer for Donald Glover’s Lando series. But there’s plenty of Star Wars content on D+ currently and more coming soon this Fall and Spring of next year to satisfy the sci-fi saga buffs. Stay tuned for more updates on Star Wars.

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