December 22, 2024
The Book of Boba Fett Episode 5 Din Djarin Is Mandalorian No More

I’d like to start off by saying woaah, we weren’t ready for this! We all knew there was going to be some of the Mandalorian in The Book of Boba Fett, but not so much! This episode almost seemed like the pilot of The Mandalorian season 3. No wonder fans are calling this episode The Book of The Mandalorian. Anyways the following sections contain major spoilers for this episode so, read at your own risk.

The Book of The Mandalorian

Episode 5 of the new Star Wars web series is entirely focused on the return of the Mandalorian, just like it’s title. The episode begins with Din Djarin and ends with him with no appearance of Boba Fett. I repeat NO APPEARANCE from Boba Fett in his own show. Such is the popularity and position of the Mandalorian in the mordern Star Wars franchise.

We see our favourite space gun slinger (or darksaber swinger) return to action in this episode. We saw him making a comeback, fighting with the darksaber, being banished from Mandalorian community, building a new spaceship, and meeting Fennec Shand, all in one episode. While we expected the rest of the things, we didn’t expect him to be banished from his Mandalorian community by The Armorer.

The sacred way of the Mandalorians is not to show their face to anyone, so obviously Mando was in trouble. As you may know, Din showed his face multiple times throughout the Mandalorian Season 2 in order to save Grogu. So, according to the Mandalorian customs, he has indeed lost his “Way” and hence must be banished. This will surely become one of the prime storylines of Season 3.

Setting Up Mandalorian Season 3

As I mentioned above, it felt like this episode was the pilot of the Mandalorian season 3. It sets up his goals for season 3 pretty well providing us with a lot of stuff to talk about. But first get hyped cause Grogu (Baby Yoda) might appear in the next episode of The Book of Boba Fett. We saw Mando preparing a gift for Grogu and his final line to Fennec Shand was “… but first I gotta pay a visit to a little friend”.

Now let’s move on to the plot points for Mandalorian Season 3. Firstly, a big part of Season 3 would be Djarin’s redemption and being accepted as a Mandalorian again. But as he stated the mines where he could do so, have been destroyed. So, it would be interesting to see how he reclaims his membership. He might seek help from Bo-Katan and her warriors we were introduced to in season 2.

Another important plot point would be learning how to use the Darksaber properly and unlocking its full potential. He has won it fair and straight 2 times now but he is yet to learn how to master it. The biggest narrative of Season 3, though, would be leading his fellow Mandalorians and rebuilding Mandalore. Since he is the true wielder of the darksaber, he is the one who will lead his people to glory and peace. So, The Book of Boba Fett episode 5 was a treat to all Mandalorian fans and we sure as hell didn’t expect so much.

The Mandalorian will return in The Book of Boba Fett episode 6 next Wednesday. So, stay tuned!

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