March 18, 2025 4:26:57 AM
House of the Dragon Episode 7 Spoilers, Leaks, and Full Plot Summary

The world of Ice and Fire has returned after a largely disappointing final season of Game of Thrones and the hype is real! The first episode of the prequel series House of the Dragon debuted on HBO Max on 21st August 2022 and Episode 7 is all set to air day after tomorrow. So with barely a day to go, fans are really excited to revisit this dark fantasy world and further explore the origin of their favorite houses. Well, this article isn’t for the people who like to witness stuff firsthand and so, MASSIVE SPOILER warning is now in effect, as the article consists of entire plot summary for fifth episode, thanks to the Freefolk Subreddit.

House of the Dragon Episode 7 Spoilers and Summary

  • Title – Driftmark
  • Duration – 58 Minutes
  • Directed By – Clare Kilner, Geeta Patel, and Greg Yaitanes
  • Written by – Ryan Condal, and Sara Hess

HOTD Episode 7 begins as Laena’s funeral is held on Driftmark. Daemon and Rhaenyra begin an affair while Laenor still alive. Rhaena, Laena’s daughter, wants to claim Vhagar to honor her mother’s memory. At the funeral Aemond claims Vhagar and the fight breaks out between Jace, Luke, Baela,Rhaena, and Aemond.

Aemond’s eye is cut out. After learning about it, Alicent runs at Rhaenyra with LF’s Valyrian steel dagger(you’ve seen it in the trailer) and ends up accidentally cutting Rhaenyras arm. Rhaenyra laughs and says, “exhausting wasn’t it, putting on that facade for so long”. Alicent is later regretful during a conversation with Otto.

I think might be getting the “We play an ugly game, you have the determination to win it” scene in the teaser here. Laenor fights with Qarl Correy, who’s sent by Daemon to kill Laenor. Rhaenys and Corlys find their bodies. Rhaenyra and Daemon marry in an elaborate Valyrian ceremony that involves blood rites of making an extremely deep cut as their souls are bound together. In the end we see Laenor escaping with Qarl meaning he’s still alive and it was just a plot by Daemon and Rhaeynra to ease their marriage, while giving Laenor what he wants – a free life and a partner.

That is pretty much all we know about the episode in a gist and rest of the details can only be learned after watching the episode day after tomorrow. Rest assured, if we encounter some more details in the next few hours, we’ll update this article. Be sure to follow our full House of the Dragon coverage including news, leaks, episode reviews and all you need to know about your soon-to-be favourite show!

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