March 4, 2025
black-mirrror season 7

Black Mirror is the most popular anthology show not only for Netflix but in the entire world. What started out as episodes of paranoia presented in a pack of three. Slowly the with each new episode, the show’s ambition went high and the interesting concepts that were presented to us in that limited runtime of 1 and half hour made the show into what it is now. The sixth season of the show just released this year and was met with a lot of critical acclaim. Well, it looks like Netflix keeps getting impressed by Black Mirror and this time, the show has been renewed for its seventh season.

Black Mirror Season 7 Is A Go!

Variety confirms that Netflix has just renewed the seventh season of the popular horror show Black Mirror. The report even said that the production might begin in late 2023. Black Mirror Season 7 has a pretty tough act to follow. Season 6 saw the series hit the Top 10 in over 92 countries and enjoyed success in most English-speaking countries. Black Mirror had some record-setting performance and Netflix is hoping for the same with the upcoming season.

Netflix described the latest season as, “The show looks inwards, at the darker aspects of humanity and society. This is done through the theme of technology, hence the second meaning. The black mirror is the screen that rules our lives. Taking contemporary phenomena (ranging from the wild popularity of talent shows on TV to the impact of social media and smartphones on our lives) as a starting point and speculate how such phenomena could/would evolve in the future. Each episode tells a different story with different protagonists and focuses on a different theme.” 

Charlie Brooker in a interview with The Guardian said, ‘I prefer the show when it was British and everyone in it was miserable and everything smelled a little bit of sh-t and all the stories were horrible,'” Brooker told the outlet during a recent event. “‘And then it’s gone to Netflix and suddenly everything’s sunny and happy and everyone has wonderful teeth, and it’s full of Hollywood stars and it’s lost that edge.'”

Brooker even talked about the many difficulties he had  to face to keep the franchise fresh, “Partly as a challenge, and partly to keep things fresh for both me and the viewer, I began this season by deliberately upending some of my own core assumptions about what to expect,” Brooker said. “Consequently, this time, alongside some of the more familiar Black Mirror tropes we’ve also got a few new elements, including some I’ve previously sworn blind the show would never do, to stretch the parameters of what ‘a Black Mirror episode’ even is. The stories are all still tonally Black Mirror through-and-through — but with some crazy swings and more variety than ever before.” 

All six seasons of Black Mirror are available to stream on Netflix.

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