One Piece

One Piece is another Japanese manga that has become so popular that there is a series made on it. No, it’s not an anime. Netflix has decided to make a live-action adaptation of the manga while being true to the source material. Now, Netflix doesn’t have the best track record of adapting famous works of fiction. Especially if it is adapting an anime or manga. We all know what happened to the Death Note live action film. For the unversed, it is the worst rendition of Death Note ever produced. I don’t know how someone can interrupt a story so badly. So, have the repeated history with this show? Or have they learnt from their past and made something worth watching that won’t hurt fans of the original? Let’s see what the critics have to say.

Netflix’ One Piece First Reactions: The Real Deal?

Megan Peters ( : “The news is out. I’ve seen Netflix’s ‘One Piece’, and while I cannot say much, I can say this before all my coverage goes live: I’ve watched season one several times now. It is *good* good.”

Daniel Dockery ( Crunchyroll): “I can’t say much (and I’ll be writing a ton about it later,) but I’ve seen the live action ‘One Piece’ in its entirety and y’all? It’s good.”

Mo Hoosen (The Streamr): “Having seen all 8 episodes of Netflix’s upcoming ‘One Piece’, and having minimal exposure to the source materials, I can say that this is THE show fans of live action manga and/or anime adaptations have wanted. THIS is the real deal. The dynamic camerawork, with slick VFX, a killer cast, and an understanding of STORY (and specifically how to write, direct, and produce big budget episodic media), this will hopefully stand tall to be remembered as… king of the Netflix shows!”

Critic @WildeePatrol on X (formerly known as Twitter) wrote: “As someone who has become much more familiar with the anime in the past year I have to say I was pleasantly surprised to see the series brought to life with so much love. The scale of this show is VAST and so much dedication was put into just about every aspect of it. The shining stars here are the shows cast. The straw crew feel like they’d been brought to life perfectly, ESPECIALLY LUFFY!!!”

Evan Valentine ( “I’ve seen Netflix’s ‘One Piece’ and can confirm, it does the source material justice and then some. I think anime fans and newcomers to the Grand Line will be surprised at what the show has to offer. This is not ‘Cowboy Bebop,’ cannot stress that enough.”

Netflix’ One Piece will start streaming on the platform from Thursday, August 31.

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