March 17, 2025 7:36:12 AM
GTA 6 Trailer Breakdown!

Grand Theft Auto V launched way back in 2013, meaning fans have been waiting for the better part of a decade for GTA 6. Meanwhile, Rockstar Games released their next game, Red Dead Redemption 2 five years later in 2018. Both games proved to be industry defining titles and are in the top ten best selling games of all-time. It has been 10 years since the last Grand Theft Auto game and we have surpassed two console generations in that time. One can only imagine what Rockstar might achieve on a future title. Naturally, after years of wait fans are desperate for GTA 6. Rockstar Games knows. They owe a lot to the fans and to make up, the gaming studio has finally released the long awaited trailer of GTA 6.

GTA 6 Trailer: Things You May Have Missed!

I think we all anticipated that once GTA 6’s trailer dropped, it was going to be a riot. The internet would go crazy and weeks and months to come will only have GTA 6 as their headline. That historic day happens to be today as Rockstar Games have uploaded the official GTA 6 trailer. Within hours of its release, the trailer has managed to break many records like most liked trailer on YouTube, most viewed trailer on 24 hours, etc. So, what’s so special about this trailer, let’s break it down.

1. From first impressions I think it is safe to assume that we have a female protagonist this time called Lucia. She already has a criminal background as she is introduced in a prison inmate uniform. There is another male character who remains unnamed in the trailer but the leaks tell us that he will be called Jason. They look like a couple thanks to a shot of Lucia atop a shirtless ‘Jason’ while a voiceover claims ‘the only way we’re getting through this is sticking together”, after which both characters say “trust”.

2. It is clear that Vice City is just a part of much larger map of GTA 6. There are many locations confirmed through road signs, news bulletins, and more in this 90-second trailer. Leonida seems like one location which has appeared multiple times from news reports about a ‘Leonida man’ aping the ‘Florida Man’ meme, and a social post mentioning that ‘only in Leonida is a crotch Grab an apology for bad driving’. Some road signs also highlight Kelly County, Catalan Boulevard, the VCI airport, Vice Beaches, Port VC/Keys.

3. This might be the most exciting part for players as the trailer shows us so many new vehicles. We know that Rockstar would add another range of vehicles in this new edition, but even in this small snippet we’ve seen a lot. This is everything we spotted: a whole host of sports cars, pick-up trucks, minivans, vans, and other more traditional cars. Jumbo jets, speed boats, trucks, cars that can tow boats, yachts, jet skis, quad bikes, biplanes, helicopters, hover boats, amphibious helicopters, cargo ships, motorbikes, cruise ships, seaplanes and monster trucks.

4. It looks like there will be a lot activities to do in GTA 6, just like in GTA 5. From what we’ve spotted from the trailer, it looks like there will be opportunities to head to a strip club, go to clubs with a resident DJ, car meet-ups, host pool parties and go to drag meets or join the Thrillbilly Mud Club (which just looks like drinking beers and getting very dirty).

5. Another detail which I noticed in the trailer that there’s a huge radio tower / antenna in the background amid the sunset haze. Which leads me to suspect that base jumping maybe back, this activity was a huge past time in GTA 5 and it was introduced back in GTA 4 DLC.

6. There is also a lot of wildlife in the trailer from dogs, flamingos, alligators, dolphins, and sharks. There’s a chance we could be getting Red Dead Redemption 2 levels of wildlife. If the Florida Everglades also feature in the game, and they most probably will, then we will get all kind of natural habitants including from panthers to bears, deer, turtles, manatees and more live there in real life.

7. Technology has always been a huge part of GTA. There is a huge gap between GTA 5 and 6 so it is evident that there will be a huge technological leap. GTA 5 also had its own Facebook and Twitter rip-offs (Lifeinvader and Bleeter respectively) back in the day. However, GTA 6 seems to take this to the next level as the trailer shows us a TikTok-esque video-sharing platform. This app appears throughout the trailer from an excitable woman twerking on top of a moving car (complete with emojis and a celebratory, viral videos play a key role in the trailer – with NPCs seemingly reacting to being filmed , partying on a speeding yacht and an engineer fishing a live gator from a swimming pool.

8. One short clip from the trailer also begs the question, whether there is a first-person mode in the new game. The clip has some body’s cam footage which looks a lot like a first-person mode, but it’s not clear if it’s just a news clip or a playable section. GTA 5 did eventually add a first-person mode one year later, in 2014, so this clip might just be teasing the option.

9. The trailer already tells us that there are at least three clear factions, with the High Rollerz Lifestyle and Thrillbilly Mud club named outright. The former looks like a street racing group with high end performance cars, while the latter is a dirt truck mud racing group. The last one looks like a gang of cycles and ATV riders racing down a road in a pack.

Here all the things we noticed from the GTA 6 trailer. Tell us if we missed anything. Also, write down in the comments section below what did you think of the trailer which has taken the internet by storm. GTA 6 doesn’t have a release date at the time of writing but it will release sometime in 2025.

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