The Boys Season 3 Episode 7 released just a few hours ago on streaming service Amazon Prime. Yesterday, through the Twitter account by the name of Vought International, The Boys released a statement in the name of Homelander which hints at what’s to come in the next episode. Last week’s episode titled “Herogasm” already had immense hype around it and it succeeded in exceeding all expectation. It was gritty, gory, twisted, graphic, and the most thrilling episode yet (Read Full Review here). Now in this new episode our heroes and Vought will deal with the aftermath of all the crazy things that happened during Herogasm. Warning: The article contains massive spoiler for The Boys Season 3 as well as this episode.
Review Marathon – Episode 1,2&3 / Episode 4 / Episode 5 / Episode 6
Rating – ★★★★1/2
The Boys Season 3 Episode 7 Black Noir’s Tragic Backstory
Before we move forward with the main event of the episode, i.e., the shocking final twist, let us talk about Black Noir for a moment. It seems like The Boys has vowed to do something unique and crazy every episode and that is what sets it apart from everything else. It is definitely one of the best shows on TV right now and mind you, there are many incredible shows out there. In this episode The Boys explored its silent and intriguing character, Black Noir, who was largely absent from this season.
Though his origin has been changed from the comics, his TV show origin is heartbreaking and tragic. His behavior and love for children and cartoons, all comes together in this episode. In a very creative and animated way, the director of this episode managed to tell a tragic and bloody story. And the bigger thing is that how even though is mast covered his facial expressions, we could feel his pain and relate to this exceptionally well done character. He is sweet and at the same time as dangerous and cynical as Homelander or Soldier Boy. Kudos to directors, writers, animators, and rest of the crew, for this sweetly horrifying sequence.
Homelander is Soldier Boy’s Son Ending Explained
In a very Empire Strikes Back kind of way, Soldier Boy revealed to Homelander that he is technically his son. He himself was quite shocked when he got to know that from Mindstorm about it. The thing is that back in 1980’s he contributed his semen sample to one of Vought’s projects and that is how Homelander was born. And now as we predicted in our Episode 6 review, Soldier Boy has switched sides and will now support his son Homelander. “What father would take away the spotlight from his son”, he said and it makes us believe he’ll be joining forces with his son and Vought. So, where does that leave The Boys?
That’s right, now due to Butcher’s doing, they have to go up against another Homelander level threat. Unlike season 2, I think The Boys Season 3 will end on a massive cliffhanger of some sort. Starlight on the other hand continues to be a pain in the a** for Homelander as she recorded another live video while he was threatening her. Hughie and Butcher on the other hand continue to take V24 and mess with their brain, and even after his nightmare, Butcher has chosen not to tell Hughie about V24’s effects.
Butcher is really messed up and this episode spent a lot of time showing how he is just as psychotic as his father and Homelander. Well, we get it, now show us what Butcher chooses to do once and for all! The Frenchie and Kimiko arc continues to be unimpressive but it’s not bad. MM, on the other hand, continues to fall in the eyes of her daughter and I feel something bad is about to happen with his wife or husband in the finale. Just a feeling. Anyways, more messed up shit is about to break out in the finale and we are just as excited and thrilled as you are.
Final Verdict – After the extraordinary Herogasm episode, we thought the quality might drop but The Boys Season 3 Episode 7 managed to not just continue the good work but at the same time knock our socks off!
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