March 28, 2025 1:15:10 AM
Dragon Ball Super Super Hero IMAX Poster Cell Returns

Here we all are again, back to discuss return of one of the best villains in the Dragon Ball Franchise, Cell. Back in February, we shared an image from that month’s V-Jump and it featured DBS: SH characters including the only enemy that could be seen in this picture – Cell. You can check out that article here. Well, now we have some more proof that Cell is going to be in the movie. First have a look at the awesome new IMAX poster for Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero featured above and now without further ado, let’s begin.

Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero – Cell Will Return!

Dragon ball super super hero Cell Max by Cody
By @CodytheDumbass [(Hiatus) Cody (99%) #RestEasyGacha]
Dragon Ball Super’s habit of bringing back DBZ villains doesn’t seem to be ending anytime soon, as apart from Frieza, it seems like Cell will a part of DBS: SH as well. In various parts of the world, Cell is trending along with Gohan and DBS:SH, and there’s a big reason behind it. Apparently, he’ll not just return, but also serve as the main antagonist for the film, whom our heroes will have to battle once again.

@DBSChronicles, one of the most popular Dragon Ball news and leak handle, tweeted the return of Cell as Cell Max, a giant monster rendition of Cell. He is said to be really huge and have a different reddish-brown design. Post that, Geekdom101Max also tweeted the return of Cell along with a link to Youtube channel. Since then, his return has been trending and all this looks quite promising.

While it is almost ironic that Gohan will get a power boost once again while fighting Cell, it might end up spoiling the character. Cell was honestly my second favorite villain after Frieza, and I am not a fan of what DBS did with Frieza’s ‘Resurrection F’ saga. Seems like Cell is headed down the same path but I really hope they do him well. But my bigger hope is that they finally give my boy, Gohan some justice with a much needed power upgrade. Here’s to hoping that Ultimate Gohan one day surpasses all Z fighters again, and the good news is that creator has confirmed he’s the strongest.

Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero is all set to release on 11th June 2022.

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