October 6, 2024
The Flash Ezra Miller Goes Missing, Fans Demand Movie Cancellation

Uff, WB and DCEU, I pity you. Now that the hype for DC comics inspired movies was rising after The Suicide Squad, The Batman, and Peacemaker, it seems like things are falling out of place once again for them. DCEU has been struggling a lot especially after Henry Cavill and Ben Affleck were reported to be leaving, and Snyder’s vision was left in the middle. Still, they were building their universe up and some promising projects coming up including The Flash. Unfortunately, Ezra Miller controversy is growing bigger with each passing day and it making things difficult for WB and DC.

The Flash Movie Might Be Cancelled Now

While Ezra Miller had already committed many acts of violence before, this time they have reportedly exceeded themselves. They reportedly were involved in grooming an 18 year old girl and were charged with harassment allegations. They were later reported to be missing along with the girl, hence the court proceeding couldn’t move forward. So as of no, they are missing and the police can’t find them, and this case is now blown out of proportion. Naturally, fans are quite disappointed in Ezra Miller but their disappointment is also directed towards WB as they haven’t yet fired Miller from the role of Flash.

Now it is quite impossible for WB to fire Miller and reshoot the entire movie to release it on time. So, there is a high possibility that The Flash movie will be cancelled or will be delayed to 2024 to accommodate the new actor and reshoot. Obviously, this is in case they decide to fire Miller or take any sort of action against them. If they don’t they’ll surely be criticized a lot by the fans, the movie will be boycotted, and it would ultimately damage their reputation a lot. Here, have a look at certain fan reactions yourself.



What is your take on the situation? Should the movie be released or should it be reshot/cancelled?

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