February 24, 2025
Attack on Titan Season 4 Part 3 Episode 2 or Finale Release Date and Break

Attack on Titan or Shingeki no Kyojin is one of the most popular as well as one of the highest rated anime of all time. It is hard to believe that it has been over 9 years since it first came out and took the world of anime by storm. It is often referred to as the Game of Thrones of anime as it presents a dark and twisted world full of grey characters with mostly justified motivations as well as multiple realistic and relatable subplots. But like all things in the world, good or bad, it also has to end. While it is sad that this is the final season of the popular anime, we still have one more special to go. Well, this particular article is not for those of you who want to experience the series first hand as major Manga Spoilers follow below.

Attack on Titan Season 4 Finale Full Ending Summary

To sum the previous special, all our leads, all surviving Eldians, and all surviving people of Marley are now in a single united stand against Eren and the Rumbling. To stop The Rumbling, aka the giants Titans, from crushing the final few survivors, our leads have to find Eren and appeal to him or terminate him. Aside from The Rumbling, there’s one more hurdle to cross before reaching Eren, and that is his brother Zeke aka the Beast Titan. The special ended with most of the crew diving directly on Eren’s Titan, an injured Levi getting back into action, Reiner transforming into the Armored Titan mid-air to leap on Beast Titan, and Armin delivering a really cool line upon landing.

Now as for the ending, it will be revealed that Eren planned for himself to be killed by his friends the whole time, and to get rid of the power of the titans. Mikasa will the one to kill Eren, and Mikasa killing Eren will allow Yimir Fritz to leave the titan realm were she is a slave and makes Titans out of sand. It turns out the reason Yimir blindly followed whatever King Fritz said and was bound to make titans out of sand in the titan realm, was because she loved King Fritz. Mikasa killing the man she loved will allow Yimir to realize how to let go of love, and be free and escape the cycle of her making titans.

It will then be implied that Yimir moves on to the afterlife. Since Yimir will no longer be making titans, the Eldians will no longer be able to transform into Titans and will now just be normal human beings. Eren believed that the fact that it was Eldians that saved the world from his wrath and the fact that they can no longer turn into titans, would make the world no longer hate them, and the Eldians would be able to live in peace. It will also be revealed that Eren used the power of the founding titan during the fall of wall Maria to manipulate Dina’s titan to move away from Bertolt, since Bertolt’s titan would play in important role in the final battle. Thus, Eren technically played a role in his mothers death.

Attack on Titan Season 4 Finale To Release In A Month - Let's Recap

After the battle eighty percent of humanity will be revealed to be wiped out and much of civilization destroyed. Eren apparently wanted to make sure that it would be impossible for the non-Eldians to retaliate after the rumbling, and make sure that their was much less people in the world that could pose a threat to the Eldians. Armin will be really sad at the amount of people killed, but would be happy that the battle is finally over and the Eldians can no longer turn into Titans. Three years later, we’ll see that Mikasa had buried Eren under a tree in Paradise and continues to live there. Paradise considers Eren a hero and massively builds up militarily in order to protect themselves from the rest of the world. Meanwhile Armin, Jean, Reinner, and the other former scouts and warriors (though not Mikasa) become ambassadors for the rest of the world and go on a diplomatic mission to Paradise to try and make peace.

The manga ending then shows images from the future. Mikassa gets married to a man who is implied to be Jean, though it is never explicitly mentioned if this man is Jean. Mikasa is shown visiting Eren’s grave with her husband and children and eventually grandchildren. During this time the forest were Eren was buried gets transformed into a large city. Mikasa eventually dies and is buried with her red scarf. Later planes destroy the city that was built in the forest where Eren was buried. Some people have interpreted this to mean that Paradise has been destroyed but we only see this one city being destroyed so we don’t necessarily know the fate of Paradise. The fallen buildings of the city soon decays and the area becomes a forest again, implying that several years have passed. Then a boy with a dog who looks like he could be a descendant of Jean and Mikasa walks towards the tree where Eren is buried.

That is pretty much it as far as the manga ending is concerned. Now whether or not the anime will go this way is yet to be seen. Attack on Titan Season 4 Part 3 Special 2 is all set to debut on November 4, 2023.

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