December 22, 2024
Chainsaw Man Manga Chapter 110 Full Plot Summary, Leaks, Spoilers + Raw Scans

Chainsaw Man is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Tatsuki Fujimoto. It follows the story of Denji, an impoverished young man who after making a contract with a dog-like devil named Pochita, he fuses with Denji, granting him the ability to transform parts of his body into chainsaws. The anime TV adaptation of Chainsaw Man also about to debut its second episode this week and it recently debuted the third trailer for the same. But today we are going to talk about the ongoing manga which is all set to debut its chapter 110 this week.

Chainsaw Man Chapter 110 Spoilers and Full Plot Leaked

Obviously, massive spoilers for Chainsaw Man Chapter 110 which is titled, “A Ring in The Night” follow below, so read at your own risk. Also, check out some of the pages attached below.

The chapter begins with a long awaited confrontation between Asa/Yuro and The Chainsaw Man. Asa picks up Yuko’s leg and yells “Yoku Leg Sword” to create a sword out of her leg and asks Chainsaw Man if he remembers her. CSM, being the perv he is, looks at her semi-naked body first at her breasts, and then her bottom. Anyways, the in the next panel, the girl he saved rises out of the devil carcass as CSM says, “Hey, you! I saved you, yeah me!” The girl thinks he is going to eat her but CSM clarifies that he saves people, not eat them.

Suddenly, Asa leaps into action and is about to hit CSM but she hits nothing and finds out that he vanished. She gets infuriated as she thinks CSM doesn’t deem her worthy of a fight and yells, “Show yourself, Chainsaw Man! I will obliterate you!” Denji was cucked out of a reveal by Yoshida’s tentacles so fast that Yoru didn’t even realize what happened. Yoshida says that CSM is hopeless and that he’d stop him by force if he had to. Then the chapter cuts to people talking about the casualties as some say 4 students died and some say Yoku killed them all.

Chapter cuts to a dream where Asa is running down a hallway littered with dead chickens. There are so many dead chickens that she can’t not step on them and then she goes into the darkness and that’s where she wakes up. Anyways, she gets up, drinks water and we as readers think that everything was a dream but then doorbell rings. It is 1:25 AM, so Asa is shocked as to who it is. The person outside apologizes for showing up so late at night.

Asa is about to open the door but the person yells “Do not open it” and she identifies herself as Yoku. She says that she managed to escape but has turned into the devil and if Asa opens the door, she might try to eat her. Asa opens the door anyways and Yoku says, “I told you not to open it.” This is where the chapter ends. and there will probably be no break next week.

Aside from this, you can read the entire chapter, once it is out by clicking this link. So, be sure to follow our Chainsaw Man weekly coverage from now on and be the first to learn the upcoming events of the manga.

CSM Chapter 110 Release Date and Time

Chainsaw Man Chapter 110 is scheduled to launch on Tuesday, November 8, 2022 at 12:00 AM JST. Fans can read the issue on either Shueisha’s MANGAPlus service, or Shueisha’s Shonen Jump+ app. Obviously, this CSM issue will release on different days at different times according to various time zones. The issue is set to be released at the following times in these major zones:

  • Pacific Time: 8 AM PST
  • Eastern Time: 11 AM EST
  • British Time: 4 PM BST
  • European Time: 5 PM CEST
  • Indian time: 8:30 PM IST
  • Philippine Time: 11 PM PHT
  • Japanese Standard Time: 12 AM JST (Nov 8)
  • Australia Time: 12:30 AM ACST (Nov 8)

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