December 22, 2024
Chainsaw Man Manga Chapter 114 Delay, Release Date, Summary, and Leaks

Chainsaw Man is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Tatsuki Fujimoto. It follows the story of Denji, an impoverished young man who after making a contract with a dog-like devil named Pochita, he fuses with Denji, granting him the ability to transform parts of his body into chainsaws. The anime TV adaptation of Chainsaw Man also about to debut its tenth episode this week but today we are going to talk about the ongoing manga which is all set to debut its chapter 114 this week.

Chainsaw Man Chapter 114 Spoilers and Full Plot Leaked

Unfortunately, this week there will be no chapter since the manga is on a one week break. Spoilers and hints for Chainsaw Man chapter 114 might start coming out next week on Monday and till then, fans will have to wait as the manga is now releasing on a bi-weekly basis since Chapter 112. Till then check out Chapter 113 summary below.

Chapter 113 begins as Asa is seen preparing for her date while Yoru mocks hers. She doubts she’ll be able to seduce him and turn him into a weapon. Asa says its easy as boys fall for anyone who’d even show them a fraction of good time. She says Yoru won’t understand as she’s a Devil and that Asa believes she is pretty darn cute. Cut to Asa and Denji on a date at an aquarium while Asa continuously talks about Jellyfish there while Denji listens. Denji gets frustrated and asks her to stop and move on to see Penguins. Asa denies and says she has planned their date properly and that he’ll have to listen to her for another 10 minutes. Denji gives in and now Asa stars talking about Starfish in length. Denji once again gets frustrated and asks her visit Penguins now. Asa once again repeats the same and says Denji will have to listen about Starfish for another 30 minutes. Denji disagrees and says he’ll experience it his own way and that he’s going to see the penguins with or without her.

Denji leaves towards the penguins and Yoru once again taunts Asa as Asa says its not her fault and that Denji interrupted her and stormed off. Yoru says Asa is a total bore and that not only Denji but even she was bored entire time Asa was lecturing. Asa ends up yelling at Yoru saying that she is right, so Yoru gives in and asks her to go after Denji. Suddenly someone says, “you aren’t wrong Asa” and it is the same girl which they speculated to be the Justice Devil. The girl who was a part of the devil hunter club in the last chapter. The girl says she is right and Denji is wrong but is wrong about one thing which is that she can’t turn Denji into a weapon. The girl says she that she cannot turn a human into weapon and Asa is shocked and asks the girl how she knows about her power. She introduces herself as War Devil’s big sister – FAMINE DEVIL! She asks Asa to call her Fami. Yoru asks Asa to not listen to her but suddenly both Fami and Yoru disappear. Asa exclaims Yoru’s name but hears Fami’s voice instead. Fami says she has separated Yoru from her temporarily and that Asa isn’t leaving the Aquarium till she drops her Morality and converts Denji into a weapon.

Suddenly Denji appears and says we’ve got an emergency. He says that the Aquarium isn’t that big but he can’t find a way out, no matter how far he walks. While Asa gasps, Denji mutters, “That pain in the butt’s back from hell” as we see a long hallway seemingly with no end. End of chapter. Aside from this, you can read the entire chapter, once it is out by clicking this link. So, be sure to follow our Chainsaw Man weekly coverage from now on and be the first to learn the upcoming events of the manga.

CSM Chapter 114 Release Date and Time

Chainsaw Man Chapter 114 is scheduled to launch on Tuesday, December 13, 2022 at 12:00 AM JST. Fans can read the issue on either Shueisha’s MANGAPlus service, or Shueisha’s Shonen Jump+ app. Obviously, this CSM issue will release on different days at different times according to various time zones. The issue is set to be released at the following times in these major zones:

  • Pacific Time: 8 AM PST
  • Eastern Time: 11 AM EST
  • British Time: 4 PM BST
  • European Time: 5 PM CEST
  • Indian time: 8:30 PM IST
  • Philippine Time: 11 PM PHT
  • Japanese Standard Time: 12 AM JST (Dec 13)
  • Australia Time: 12:30 AM ACST (Dec 13)

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