Thanksgiving Movie (2023) has quite an iconic backstory if...
Abheet Gupta
Founder and regular content publisher of High on Cinema. A passionate cinema enthusiast with a keen interest in the drama, fantasy and superhero genre as well as parallel cinema. Terribly terrified by the horror genre, he refrains from even trying the spooky cinema. Having studied Film Appreciation, he has a keen eye for the technicalities involved in a particular piece of cinema and tries to judge a film as open mindedly as possible.
PrimeVideo seems to have nabbed the dark superhero storytelling...
The Hunger Games film series is composed of science fiction...
David Fincher, a maestro of dark and intricate storytelling,...
When it comes to the world of anime and...
Dragon Ball Super Manga’s latest Super Hero arc officially...
What If..? was the first Marvel Studios animated project...
Dragon Ball Super Manga’s latest Super Hero arc officially...
There mustn’t be a single soul who hasn’t played...
If you are unaware, Wicked or Wicked: Part One...