Black Clover is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Yūki...
Abheet Gupta
Founder and regular content publisher of High on Cinema. A passionate cinema enthusiast with a keen interest in the drama, fantasy and superhero genre as well as parallel cinema. Terribly terrified by the horror genre, he refrains from even trying the spooky cinema. Having studied Film Appreciation, he has a keen eye for the technicalities involved in a particular piece of cinema and tries to judge a film as open mindedly as possible.
My Hero Academia Chapter 362 will be releasing on August 8,...
The Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt is often considered to...
One Piece is a Japanese anime television series produced...
Marvel made it difficult to breathe at SDCC 2022...
This is what we all were waiting for! If...
Marvel’s Midnight Suns is an upcoming tactical role-playing game...
The Wizarding World is expanding further and owing to...
Hey Chief, Clash of Clans is about turn ten and...
Even though he was one of the largely fogotten...