Men (2022) is directed by Alex Garland who has...
Sameer Talawdekar
A student of cinema with a keen eye and an acquired taste. Blunt and critical while reviewing, if Sameer says a film is good, it's basically a guarantee that it is. He may not like what you do, but that's what makes him a quality fit for any cinema publication. He craves excellence and perfection and that's why you can blindly trust his word!
Joe and Anthony Russo are American filmmakers who as...
No one here is alien to the fact that...
Stranger Things is Netflix’s biggest English Language show ever....
Avatar 2: The Way of Water is the direct...
I think anyone out there even remotely aware with...
Westworld Season 4 premiered on HBO and HBO Max...
Loki series is a Disney+ show, it was one...
Man vs Bee is a Netflix original slapstick sitcom....
We got Stranger Things 4 nearly 3 years later...