Nearly three years later Stranger Things returned to Netflix. Eyeing the current quagmire Netflix...
AMC’s Native Indian mystery thriller show Dark Winds has its first two episodes premiere...
Since it has premiered in Japan, unfortunately a lot about Dragon Ball Super: Super...
Amazon PrimeVideo’s The Boys Season 3 is anything but normal and has tons of...
Jurassic World 3: Dominion by Colin Trevorrow is finally here to conclude the Jurassic...
Ms. Marvel premiered its first episode few hours back on the streaming service Disney...
Dragon Ball Super will soon return with a new season full of new sagas...
Disney Plus new Star Wars series Obi-Wan Kenobi debuted on the streaming platform last...
Nearly three decades, five films and four directors later, the Jurassic franchise is all...
When it released back in 1986, Top Gun wasn’t a critical hit and even...