Akshay Kumar is known as the Khiladi of Bollywood. The veteran Hindi actor had...
Tu Jhooti Mein Makkaar is a new romance-comedy film directed by Luv Ranjan which...
After 5 years of wait we finally got a Shahrukh Khan film and the...
The Scream franchise is Wes Cravens’ brainchild who sadly has passed away now. The...
Creed 3 has been welcomed by critics on a terrific note. In a time...
The beloved horror franchise, Scream created by the master of horror, Wes Craven, back...
Screen Actor’s Guild Awards or better known as SAG awards are events hosted to...
Last week we got the news that The Way of Water has sunk Titanic...
Cocaine Bear is a new thriller-comedy film directed by Elizabeth Banks and stars Ray...
Lord of the Rings is one of the biggest names when it comes to...