James Cameron is one of the most revered directors of this era. His persistent...
For someone who is not a big fan of action movies, it is a...
Indiana Jones is the brainchild of two of the most revered filmmakers of the golden...
The Fast and Furious franchise and the FAMILY has returned once again after delivering...
Creed 3 is the third installment in the Creed franchise, which itself is the...
Toy Story is one of the biggest animated franchises when it comes to box...
Zootopia is a 2016 animation film by Disney, its premise surrounds around, “When Judy...
I think we’re all familiar with Frozen, it was the breakout animated film in...
Theatres have reopened thanks to the pandemic being gone which means we’re seeing more...
Kantara is a Kannada language film that came out last year. It was directed...