The classic adventure franchise of the 80’s is back once again with Harrison Ford as Indiana...
Dune is Frank Herbert’s magnum opus- the novel came out in 1964 and it...
RRR is historical fiction film that released in 2022 and absolutely exploded amongst the...
Johnny Depp’s reputation is clear now after the court’s decision this year but it...
After Neo, John Wick might be the most famous character Keanu Reeves has ever...
If there is a list of one of the most influential directors working in...
It has been twelve years later since we’ve heard from Pandora and now we’re...
Chris Evans is one of the most famous actors in the world right now,...
The Whale is an upcoming psychological drama that stars Brendan Fraser in the lead role...
Did you have a Winnie the Pooh soft toy in your childhood. It is...