Dragon Ball Franchise still remains one of the most popular franchise to date with...
Evil Dead Rise is the hottest film on the planet unless you’re a bhai...
Sony’s original games are some of the best games ever made with loads of...
Even after being a classic assassin story, John Wick (2014) brought a lot of new things...
The beloved horror franchise, Scream created by the master of horror, Wes Craven, back...
I’m not someone who likes watching Romance, its just not my genre however, Heartstopper...
For someone who is not a big fan of action movies, it is a...
In 2014, James Gunn introduced a rag tag team of misfits travelling in space...
Last week Variety revealed new information in the Jonathan Majors’ case where the outlet...
Guardians of the Galaxy is one of the last movies in the MCU that...