1899 is a new Netflix show that is rumored to debut on the streaming...
Marvel is a continued universe where every film or TV show is connected to...
Prey is a prequel to the very successful 1980s Monster/Action film- Predator. The film...
Yellowjackets is a 2021 psychological drama that focuses on a group of New Jersey...
Mihoyo’s Genshin Impact is one of the biggest games in today’s world. It debuted just...
My Hero Academia Chapter 362 which released on August 8, delivered a heart-breaking and gut-wrenching plot...
The action RPG, Elden Ring was launched on February 22, 2022, and released for...
Disney Plus’ new MCU show She-Hulk is all set to release on August 17 and...
One Piece is a Japanese anime television series produced by Toei Animation which first...
You know what’s funny I just covered an Ironheart leak of Anthony Ramos as...