Nope is the new Jordan Peele film. The American actor, comedian, writer and director...
Westworld was created in 2016 by Jonathan Nolan and Lisa Joy. The HBO show...
San Diego Comic Con might be the biggest fan event of the entire year....
HBO’s The Idol marks The Weeknd’s first significant venture into acting as he partners...
One of the most anticipated films of the past year Dune, took the cinema world...
Fortnite’s cosmetics are some of the most sought-after in the gaming industry, with players...
Zack Snyder’s four-hour, R-rated Cut of Justice League, which was released to streaming on...
Sex Education is one the best originals to come out of Netflix’ bag and...
I think at this point everyone is aware that there is a live action...
If “Us” and “Get Out” are any indication, Jordan Peele has a handle on...