Stranger Things is Netflix’s biggest English Language show ever. The show debut in 2016...
Steve Blackman, the creator and showrunner of The Umbrella Academy, which had its season...
Man vs Bee is a Netflix original slapstick sitcom. The show has 9 episode...
We got Stranger Things 4 nearly 3 years later the 3rd Season that debuted...
It was disclosed last month that Netflix is creating a drama series based on...
“The Dragon Master is here.” – announces Po the Panda in the official trailer...
Stranger Things is Netflix’s flagship show that also seems like its saving grace. The...
Mythology is everywhere, be it major franchises like the MCU delving deeply into the...
Better Call Saul season 6 Part 2 premiere is all set to air on...
Sony recently disclosed that it was collaborating with Netflix on a live-action adaptation of...