The Saturn Awards are one of the prestigious awards in the Film and TV...
Tv Shows
Marvel Phase 4 is going to introduce us with another new superhero with her...
Westworld Season 4 Episode 8 is out now. Westworld Season 4 had started on...
Disney Plus’ new MCU show She-Hulk is all set to release on August 17 and its...
A finale to end it all! If you have seen this week’s episode of...
New Month, new superhero. Marvel has been introducing a lot of new characters in...
Rick Riordan’s Percy Jackson series is one of the most influential pieces of fiction...
Stranger Things is Netflix’s flagship show that also seems like its saving grace. The...
The Witcher Season 3 has been in production for some time but recently encountered...
Westworld was created in 2016 by Jonathan Nolan and Lisa Joy. The HBO show...