Toho has revealed that a revival of the beloved Funimation anime series Trigun, revolving...
Year: 2022
Before we got on with the review, a little background. With all this buzz...
Broly first appeared a long time back in Broly: The Legendary Super Saiyan and kept coming...
Diablo 4 is an upcoming dungeon crawler action role-playing game developed and published by...
My Hero Academia debuted in 2016 and ever since then its popularity has spread like...
Yes, you heard it right Wonder Man, not Wonder Woman. He is a Marvel...
Another week, another awesome episode of The Boys. A lot happened in this episode...
The British actor Tom Hardy is a fan favorite for playing Venom in Sony’s...
With 2019 marking the end of biggest TV phenomenon of all time- Game of...
Ms. Marvel episode 2 is all we can expect from a teen superhero drama....