Chainsaw Man is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Tatsuki Fujimoto. It follows...
Year: 2022
We live in a world of entertainment which is slowly getting overrun by anime...
Ant-Man is one of the funniest Marvel heroes we’ve gotten in the MCU. A...
Something strange is afoot. 1899 will soon be debuting on Netflix. Why is it...
Edens Zero is one of those new manga/anime series which is still struggling to find...
Pearl is the second installment in the X trilogy of horror movies. Earlier this...
God of War: Ragnarok is now barely 15 days away folks and the anticipation...
DCEU’s last saving grace is its upcoming film – Black Adam. The film was...
The Game of Thrones universe is back with its latest GOT prequel is about...
With the deteriorating state of the DCEU, the film that was supposed to revolutionize...