The success of the first Joker film has birthed another franchise in Hollywood, however...
Year: 2022
Don’t Worry Darling is a new thriller helmed by Olivia Wilde that stars Florence...
The third and possibly final film in the Halloween Reboot trilogy- Halloween Ends is...
Oh Damn! If you have seen today’s episode of The Lord of the Rings:...
Black Adam is the only movie that is going in DC and Warner Bros.’...
House of the Dragon is the latest GOT prequel which focuses on the great...
Marvel Phase 4 introduced us with yet another new superhero with her own show...
As everyone was starting to get over the atrocious Game of Thrones finale, HBO...
DC or Warner Bros. whatever you call them, they really need a win right...
James Wan is one of the most prolific directors working in the industry as...