War-Drama has always been one of the most impactful cinema genre since the inception...
Year: 2023
In today’s cinematic landscape most productions want to be safe and hence we see...
Invincible season 1 opened to widespread critical acclaim as well as a highly positive...
Mihoyo’s Genshin Impact is one of the biggest games in today’s world. It debuted over two...
The Loki series is arguably the closest thing we’ve gotten which is actually about...
Another day, another cancellation. Well that is how it looks like if you’re working...
Joaquin Phoenix is already returning for the role that earned him is long awaited...
One of the few DC movies that are releasing this year is Shazam 2...
Black Clover is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Yūki Tabata, and its story follows Asta,...
Jujutsu Kaisen is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Gege Akutami. It...