God of War Ragnarok: Valhalla - All Greek Enemies and Boss Fights

God of War Ragnarok: Valhalla is now out! The Free DLC can be played at any time during the game however, it is recommended that you play it after the main story. This is because it serves as an epilogue to God of War: Ragnarok. Moving on, it was quite clear from the trailer that we’ll be seeing elements from Greek Era of God of War in the DLC. Not only did we clearly see a Cyclopes at the end of the trailer, but we also heard the music from Greek Era, and images of Olympus. Valhalla will show Kraots visions of his past and display the realms as Kratos interprets them. Beware that MASSIVE SPOILERS for the DLC follow below, so read at your own risk.

Since, this is a journey of Kratos’ self improvement, of course his exploits at Greece play a huge role in the DLC. In fact, that is what this DLC is all about as Tyr teaches Kratos many valuable lessons and helps him make peace with his troubled past. During every new attempt, Kratos has to ascend to the higher realms which lead him to timed trials in Greece as he remembers it. Only after completing these timed trials, can Kratos face Tyr at the end of each new quest. So, every time he enters Greece, he has to face numerous enemies enemies from the Greek Era to the delight of fans! So here’s a list of every Greek Enemy in God of War Ragnarok: Valhalla.

Undead Legionnaire

As you may know The Undead Legionnaires were the first enemyies encountered in the God of War series.  Dressed in the armor of ancient Greek warriors, they appear as demonic skeletons with bits of decaying flesh clinging to their bones. So, of course as soon as you enter Greece in Valhalla, you encounter Undead Legionnaires which stick around for rest of the DLC as well.


In God of War series, the harpy creatures are formidable adversaries representing chaos and aggression. These winged beings, with their bird-like features, engage in intense aerial battles with Kratos. Their agility and relentless attacks make them challenging foes, contributing to the game’s overall sense of epic and brutal combat against mythical creatures. Much like Undead Legionnaire, Kratos faces them as soon as he enters Greece and they too stick around for rest of the DLC.

Cyclops (Chosen)

You already know this one from the trailer. The Cyclops is a colossal and menacing creature inspired by Greek mythology. Towering over Kratos, it wields immense strength and a single, destructive eye. Fierce and relentless, the Cyclops presents a formidable challenge in the DLC, adding to the epic scale of battles against mythical beings. You keep facing Cyclops as one of the Valhalla’s Chosen in each new attempt as you progress.

Legionnaire Captain

The Legionnaire Captain stands as a formidable opponent within the game’s diverse bestiary. Clad in armor, this skilled warrior commands a legion of soldiers. His strategic prowess and relentless attacks present a significant challenge for Kratos, contributing to the dynamic and intense combat encounters in the game. You keep encountering this enemy type during the Timed Trials of Greece in Valhalla.

Siren (Chosen)

With alluring yet deadly qualities, these ethereal beings possess the power to bewitch and attack. Their eerie presence and supernatural abilities make them a captivating and challenging adversary for Kratos. Sirens have a diverse skill set in the DLC and can sometimes be challenging, so beware of their screams. Being a rather challenging enemy type, Sirens are usually among the Valhalla’s Chosen, slaying whom will let Kratos progress.

Wraith (Chosen)

Wraith is a spectral and formidable foe, embodying the otherworldly threats in the game. These ethereal entities wield dark magic and exhibit swift, elusive movements. Their ghostly appearance and mystical attacks add an element of eerie challenge to Kratos’s journey, enhancing the game’s atmospheric intensity. They are essentially what Revenants were in God of War’s Norse saga. However, unlike them Wraiths are equipped at both ranged and close quarter combat. Therefore, they too are usually among the Valhalla’s Chosen and only one wraith appears during a single combat.

Minotaur (Chosen)

Minotaur emerges as a fearsome creature from Greek mythology, combining bull-like strength with a humanoid form. Towering over Kratos, it wields a massive axe and engages in relentless combat. The Minotaur’s imposing presence and powerful attacks contribute to the epic and challenging encounters in the game. However, unlike Greek era, Minotaur in Valhalla do not wield an axe but instead perform magic and attack barehanded. Of course, they too are among the Valhalla’s Chosen enemies and one of the most challenging ones in the DLC.

Centaur (Chosen)

The Centaur in God of War is a mythical hybrid of man and horse, showcasing remarkable agility and brute strength. Armed with a spear, it presents a formidable challenge in combat against Kratos. The Centaur’s fantastical design and dynamic battle tactics enhance the game’s immersive experience, delivering memorable encounters throughout the series. You might remember Norse Centaurs in God of War: Ragnarok as well. Well, Greek Centaurs look a bit different but are essentially similar during combat. Good thing is that if you don’t die later on, you’ll most likely face Centaur only once during the story playthrough.

That is all from this article. In case we have missed any Greek Enemy, do let us know in the comments alongside where they can be found. God of War Ragnarok: Valhalla is now available to play for free for anyone who owns the game.

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