The Orville is a sci-fi comedy drama series created by Seth MacFarlane which debuted back in 2017. The series follows the crew of the starship USS Orville on their episodic adventures, as well as a serialized story which develops over the length of the series. It has been inspired primarily by the original Star Trek and its Next Generation successor, but it basically parodies them. Although Season 1 opened to widely negative reviews, the following two seasons received critical acclaim. In fact it became Fox’ highest-rated Thursday show as well as it’s “most-viewed debut drama” since 2015. The third season of the show came out in August 2022 and since then fans have been waiting for an update. Well, this is where you’ll them them!
When Will The Orville Season 4 Release?
It has been a year since The Orville Season 3 came out and we still haven’t heard an official word of confirmation regarding season 4. So, the fate of the series still hangs in balance right now even after two back to back acclaimed seasons. The reason is simple, it isn’t that highly viewed a show, and the sad reality is that any production needs viewers to thrive. But that doesn’t mean there are no chances that it could happen. In fact, in March 2023 star Chad L. Coleman shared an optimistic update about The Orville season 4, stating that he believed the next chapter was in the cards, despite things being “up in the air.”
Aside from that, Coleman added that MacFarlane has a good relationship with Co-Chairman of Disney Entertainment Dana Walden, saying, “And they said they’ve had promising meetings, so we’ll see.” Also, in April, star Adrianne Palicki talked about a possibility of the comeback and said, “I mean, there have been talks. There have been rumblings about it, but there’s nothing official.” So, even though it hasn’t been confirmed, there are chances that it will be renewed. However, even in that case, we might not see Season 4 before 2025 owing to the SAG-AFTRA strikes as well as the elongated post-production period it will require.
Season 4 Plot and Cast
Although Season 3 wrapped up most of the storylines and the crew of the USS Orville made peace with their Borg-like Kaylon enemies, some stories still need to be told. The main threat for the crew in The Orville season 4 would likely be the Krill/Moclan alliance, the partnership of two species who are basically their versions of Star Trek‘s Cardassians and Klingons. So the political situation involving Krill and Moclans would make up for a really engaging narrative in season 4. As for the cast of the show, following members are expected to return.
- Seth MacFarlane as Ed Mercer
- Adrianne Palicki as Commander Kelly Grayson
- Penny Johnson as Dr. Claire Finne
- Peter Macon as Lieutenant Commander Bortus
- J. Lee as Lieutenant Commander John LaMarr
- Mark Jackson as Isaac
- Chad L. Coleman as Klyman
- Jessica Szohr as Lieutenant Commander Talla Keyali
- Giorgia Whigam as Lysella