Thor: Love and Thunder had gotten mixed reviews since its premiere. However, as the days have gone by and the film has opened to audiences those opinions have drastically changed as the film is now being considered one of the worst films in the entire MCU. As the film’s box office run is running out of fuel, Marvel has announced the streaming date for the film. Recently we got updates on the extra featurettes that we’ll be getting in the Blu-rays and DVDs. We even got to see the concept art of Grandmaster’s deleted scene and alternate end art concept. However, today we have something different. We have Love and Thunder’s first official deleted scene.
Thor: Love and Thunder- What is the Deleted Scene About?
Thor: Love and Thunder introduced some new realms and worlds. Like Gorr’s Shadow realm and the Omnipotent City. The city of gods was shown briefly to us where we got to see a lot of gods, predominantly Zeus but in the background there were many gods that are previously talked about in the MCU. Regardless, the deleted scene is of Omnipotent city itself. The scene like many in the film have bad CGI, okay maybe not as bad as in this scene.
This is clearly a scene cut off quite early before the final cut was decided as there is no VFX done to the footage. It was something Waititi wrote down and then scrapped as it was not adding the story. The scene features Thor, Valkyrie and Korg strolling through Omnipotent City. Jane is surprisingly absent from the scene. They seem to be on the lookout for Zeus when they encounter his youngest son- Dionysus. He looks as wasted as Zeus himself.
He has let alcohol and worldly pleasures swallow his duty of a god. There is not much to the scene as it simply tells us that Thor met Zeus’ son before meeting Zeus. The character introduced himself as Zeus’ youngest son and that pretty much wraps up his identity. He tells Thor that Zeus is in the Omnipotent city. Maybe this will be before Thor enters the council of gods. Even if this scene didn’t make to the final film, Dionysus was a side character in some of the scenes. The character of Dionysus is played by a star who featured in The Penny Dreadful and The Legend of Tarzan.
Watch the Full Deleted Scene of Thor: Love and Thunder on YouTube:
Thor: Love and Thunder will be available for streaming on Disney+ from September 8th 2022 and as physical media from 27th September 2022.
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