Joker 2: Folie à Deux is once again written and directed by Todd Phillips...
DC Extended Universe
The Flash was DC’s desperate attempt to make up for the losses caused by...
DC once Warner Bros’ greatest asset has now become a huge liability. The studio...
The Batman: Part II is part of DCU’s Elseworlds franchise. The sequel is set...
Just yesterday I did an article talking about all the options James Gunn has...
Black Adam fell. Shazam: Fury of the Gods crashed. The Flash torpedoed. Nothing seems...
The best superhero movie of this generation. Competition to Nolan’s Dark Knight trilogy. There...
The Flash aka the first solo live-action flick for the speedster. Everyone was excited...
Wonder Woman is weirdly the best superhero film that was produced in Zack Snyder’s...
The Flash is DC’s last hope at a box office blockbuster before James Gunn...