The Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) has been struggling to regain its footing ever since...
Ghost Rider
When the MCU first started all their films mostly focused on sci-fi elements except...
The Superhero genre which dominated the past decade, has been the most mediocre and...
Marvel’s Echo was certainly not the most hyped under-development project of MCU, however the...
Marvel’s Echo was certainly not the most hyped under-development project of MCU, however the...
In a surprising turn of events, Marvel seems to be back on track. Don’t...
It is about time MCU embraced Marvel Comics’ darker and supernatural universe and ever...
Marvel’s Midnight Suns is an upcoming tactical role-playing game developed by Firaxis Games in...
With several movies and Disney Plus episodes released each year, Phase 4 of the...
Marvel has been known to hire actors who aren’t a household name and make...