With the MCU currently struggling, Kevin Feigi is searching for projects that might revitalize...
Thor 4
Thor: Love and Thunder was, well let’s just say, not up to the mark...
2022 was a year full of amazing and mediocre movies at the same time....
2022 was not the best year for Marvel. The year started off on a...
Theatres have reopened thanks to the pandemic being gone which means we’re seeing more...
Avengers: Endgame gave a satisfying end to all the OG Avengers except for Thor...
Avengers: Endgame gave a satisfying end to all the OG Avengers except for Thor...
Avengers: Endgame gave a satisfying end to all the OG Avengers except for Thor...
Thor: Love and Thunder is the newest Marvel film that focuses on the God...
Thor: Love and Thunder had gotten mixed reviews since its premiere. However, as the...