With Thor: Love and Thunder, Thor’s story after Endgame continues. Thor becomes the first...
Thor 4
After Endgame most of the OG Avengers’ stories were resolved except for Hawkeye and...
With Thor: Love and Thunder, Thor’s story after Endgame continues. Thor becomes the first...
MCU’s first superhero to get a 4th outing for himself is Thor. With Thor:...
Thor: Love and Thunder is Thor’s 4th solo outing in the MCU. The film...
As you may know, Russell Crowe’s Zeus made an appearance in Thor: Love and...
We’re well into July and we’ve only gotten two Marvel movies so far-Â Doctor...
Thor: Love and Thunder which released recently has garnered mixed reception from both critics...
Thor: Love and Thunder is newest Marvel film and the second Marvel film of...
Thor: Love and Thunder which released world wide yesterday to polarized critical reception and...