March 18, 2025 8:54:50 PM
Breaking Bad Mario Kart

In a recent Breaking Bad fan-made film that has gone viral, Jesse Pinkman and Walter White compete in a race on the iconic Rainbow Road track from Mario Kart! The Breaking Bad fandom has figured out a way to make the show seem lighter than it actually is, even though it is about a cancer-stricken chemistry teacher who becomes a drug lord and includes plenty of violent scenes and dark themes. That’s not to say there isn’t comedy in Breaking Bad; there certainly is, but the fans have pushed it to a level the producers probably can’t understand. Recently, a video was created that imagined Better Call Saul as a fighting game featuring unique moves and one-liners. It merely serves to highlight the supporters’ inventiveness.

Fans Have Been Waiting For A Breaking Bad Video Game

Video editor Chiptuner made a now-viral clip of Walter White racing down Mario Kart’s Rainbow Road as more evidence that creativity knows no bounds. It soon becomes clear that his apprentice Jesse Pinkman isn’t far behind, pursuing him in a real-life go-kart. Walt explodes as Pinkman throws a blue shell at him, allowing Jesse to win the race and yell his catchphrase.

Throughout Breaking Bad, Walter White possessed several automobiles, including an RV, a Dodge Challenger, and his iconic Pontiac Aztek. The car he’s driving isn’t expressly shown in the video, but given his aggressive driving style, it’s most likely a Dodge Challenger.

There is a lot of demand for a Breaking Bad video game, even though a kart racer is probably not what fans envisioned. Co-creator of the series Vince Gilligan recently admitted that he had an idea for a Grand Theft Auto-style game based on the show. It was one of many games based on the TV show that, sadly, was never made. It seems doubtful that a decent AAA game will ever be made, given that the Breaking Bad universe is tentatively concluding with the end of Better Call Saul, but fans can dream.

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